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Sage and Pine Herb Bundle, tied with string, featuring tightly packed dried sage and pine ready for smoke cleansing rituals.
Hand holding a lit Sage and Pine Herb Bundle, with one end smoldering, and a trickle of smoke rising upward from the end.
Smoldering Sage and Pine Bundle with a trickle of smoke, propped in a small copper bowl that sits on fireproof tile surface.
  • Sage and Pine Herb Bundle, tied with string, featuring tightly packed dried sage and pine ready for smoke cleansing rituals.
  • Hand holding a lit Sage and Pine Herb Bundle, with one end smoldering, and a trickle of smoke rising upward from the end.
  • Smoldering Sage and Pine Bundle with a trickle of smoke, propped in a small copper bowl that sits on fireproof tile surface.

Sage and Pine Herb Bundle

Only $5.00 or 3 for $13.00
  • Used for smoke cleansing/smudging
  • 4" bundle
  • Opportunity and progress
HRB-140 - White Sage and Pine
$5.00 or 3 for $13.00

Few rituals can match the feeling you get from setting flame to the tip of an herbal bundle, and watching the aromatic smoke waft gently upward. That elemental combination of fire and air, along with the earth and water needed to grow the herbs, makes for a very powerful magic indeed. In this spirit, our Sage and Pine Herb Bundle offers more than just a cleansing experience; it's a gateway to an ancient practice, a moment to reconnect with the natural world and the energies that flow through it.

Read more about Smoke Cleansing here.

When to Use Sage and Pine:

Sometimes it can feel like, no matter which way you turn, you are facing another roadblock. You try and you try, but you just can't seem to break free of the things that are holding you back. Burning some pine, in combination with sage, can be a powerful tool to get you back on track- feeling stronger, sharper, and more motivated than ever.
  • Overcome Obstacles:

    In times when every path seems blocked by hurdles, burning pine with sage can provide the breakthrough you need. This combination is said to bolster your resilience, helping you to navigate and overcome obstacles with renewed determination.
  • Catalyze Action:

    Pine is perfect when you're clear about your goals but unsure of the steps to achieve them. Incorporating pine in your smoke cleansing ritual can sharpen your focus, revealing opportunities and guiding you onto the right path.
  • Awaken Potential:

    Use this herb blend when you’re feeling stagnant or lacking direction. It aids in personal growth and helps you realize your full potential. Does your life need a jump start? Use Sage and pine!

The Details:

The Sage and Pine Herb Bundle comes from responsibly harvested, sustainable sources, and is hand-tied into a neat bundle. It measures 4” long, and can be extinguished and re-lit, so that it can be used on multiple occasions.

If you're seeking a subtle yet powerful shift in your life, our Sage and Pine Herb Bundle might just be the answer.

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