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Cedar Herb Bundle, tied with string, featuring tightly packed dried cedar ready for smoke cleansing rituals.
Hand holding a lit Cedar Herb Bundle, with one end smoldering, and a trickle of smoke rising upward from the end.
Smoldering Cedar Herb Bundle with a thin stream of smoke, propped in a small copper bowl that sits on fireproof tile surface
  • Cedar Herb Bundle, tied with string, featuring tightly packed dried cedar ready for smoke cleansing rituals.
  • Hand holding a lit Cedar Herb Bundle, with one end smoldering, and a trickle of smoke rising upward from the end.
  • Smoldering Cedar Herb Bundle with a thin stream of smoke, propped in a small copper bowl that sits on fireproof tile surface

Cedar Herb Bundle

Only $4.00 or 3 for $10.00
  • Used for smoke cleansing/smudging
  • 4" bundle
  • For fresh starts, protection, prosperity
HRB-110 - Cedar
$4.00 or 3 for $10.00

Few rituals can match the feeling you get from setting flame to the tip of an herbal bundle, and watching the aromatic smoke waft gently upward. That elemental combination of fire and air, along with the earth and water needed to grow the herbs, makes for a very powerful magic indeed. In this spirit, our Cedar Herb Bundle offers more than just a cleansing experience; it's a gateway to an ancient practice, a moment to reconnect with the natural world and the energies that flow through it.

Read more about Smoke Cleansing here.

When to Use Cedar:

With its rich, earthy aroma, cedar has a number of different uses. It is particularly effective in times of change and new beginnings, but its benefits don’t stop there.
  • Create a Sanctuary:

    If you are about to move into a new home or workspace, cedar can be a powerful ally in ensuring a smooth transition. Burning cedar creates a welcoming environment, turning your space into a haven of tranquility.
  • Embrace New Beginnings:

    In any new endeavor, the first steps can be the most crucial. Beginning a new venture calls for extra strength and resilience. Cedar helps you ensure that this is a time of hope and opportunity.
  • Welcome Prosperity:

    Cedar is an important tool any time you wish to attract good fortune and prosperity.
  • Cleanse and Protect:

    Any time you experience an intense feeling of despair and unease, you can draw on cedar’s powers to dispel the negative energies and prevent them from returning.

The Details:

The Cedar Herb Bundle is made of sustainably sourced cedar twigs and needles, hand-tied into a neat bundle. It measures 4” long, and can be extinguished and re-lit, so that it can be used on multiple occasions.

If you're seeking a subtle yet powerful shift in your life, our Cedar Herb Bundle might just be the answer.

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